An official 2025 New York State Pass will be available for $125.00. This pass, good at all NYSAAF member Fairs and New York State Fair, admits the person named on the pass and one companion, plus parking when available. Member Fairs are listed on our web site at lost or stolen cannot be replaced. This pass is non-transferable, non- refundable and does not include carnival rides. Proceeds from the sale of these passes will be used to continue the State Association commitment to promote New York Agriculture.
Passes ordered online starting April 1 (added fees apply) at
Order by Mail Starting April 1 : Send this form with your check or money order and a large (#10 legal size), stamped, self-addressed envelope for an “official pass ”. CLICK HERE TO PRINT FORM
Passes will be mailed in Mid-May 2025.
Mark St Jacques Executive Secretary 58 Bain Rd Argyle, NY 12809 518-232-7687Please make a copy of this form for your records.
Enclosed please find $125.00 for each pass and a stamped, self-addressed, large (#10 legal size) envelope. Complete this form and return with your request.
Make check payable to: NYS Association of Agricultural Fairs, Inc.